The Divine Soul Star Energy Blueprint
Discover the Secrets of your Soul Path written by the Stars and the Universe!
Interested in Astrology, Numerology, Stars, & Human Design? – I’ve got you covered
Take a Look into Yourself from the Bigger viewpoint of the Stars and the Universe!
That’s where this "Divine Soul Star Energy Blueprint comes in!
This is How It Works
is a 30 Day Masterclass where you, will learn more about your Soul Purpose, Life Path, Relationships, Personality, Spiritual Gifts, and much more using Ancient Metaphysical tools.
get Coaching every week for 30 days
you will receive an email with your report from a new Metaphysical resource each week
Every week, the email will give you prompts and questions to reflect on and answer for yourself
you will receive Guidance and Resources to address any concerns or goals by email as recommended after each Coaching session!
Hi! I am Daphne Arrington!
If you don’t know me and wondering why the hell should you even read this and listen to what I have to say, then let me tell you – because I have a superpower that gives me the ability to absorb ridiculous amount of information from multiple sources and in various formats, sift through it all, learn all the important stuff, pick out only the most valuable, relevant and important information and distill it to a simple, effective, actionable plan.
As a life-long entrepreneur and the creator of the FIRST LOVE YOURSELF Self-Care Toolbox, I like to use this handy skill to make my life and the life of other women or men better and easier. What you will get from this 30 Day Online Masterclass will save you time, headache, frustration, and money, while providing you with a simple, straightforward guide that will transform your life from struggling to survive to Thriving and living your Dream life.
I am also the creator of multiple courses which helped over 500 students, and I run a Holisitc Health & Wellness Spa providing Myofascial Therapeutic services to relieve pain in the body. My goal is to help people to Learn how to First Love Yourself, but you must take the time to figure out Who you are when no one is watching, what is the story you are telling yourself, how do you figure out your Soul Purpose to live your life by your Human design?
I’ve got you covered and this has been tried and tested. I show you how to turn your weakness into your SUPERPOWER, how to turn your strengths into Secret Weapons, and how to Manifest your Dream Life and Thrive, not just survive in Life! I know what I am doing 😉.
All you have to do is spend 45 minutes a week for 30 days, go through the Guided prompts and Reflection exercises, and you will have a complete strategy to create, grow and live your Best Life. So what say you, are you in?
What EXACTLY happens in the class?
By the end of the 30 Day Masterclass you will:


how Astrology is using the positions of the planets at your exact time of birth to predict how the energy is reflected in your Birth Chart


how Numerology is a resource to develop insight into your Life Path and Soul Purpose


how the Stars tell a story on a deeper level that explains who you are on a Soul level


how your Human design can guide you to use your strengths and limit your weaknesses


how your Divine Soul Star Energy Blueprint can help you grow and improve any areas of concerns
This all sounds great but what if….
...I don’t have 45 minutes a week to complete the Masterclass?
No worries! You can do the Masterclass at your own pace and time, any time before the 30 days is up. You will receive the reports and access to the Masterclass content every week and you can come back to them any time before the Masterclass ends. However, remember that a big part of taking the Masterclass in real time is working with your Coach and asking for advice and guidance to understand all the content as it relates to you personally.
...I don’t like the Masterclass after I started?
Then just don’t do it! We are not twisting your arm, But I am pretty confident you will quickly realize the impact it can have on your mindset and will love it!
...I need help or have questions?
No problem! As long as you join our private Masterclass session and I will be answering questions you may have over the report,!
What do you Say?
Are you ready to ditch the overwhelm and confusion that have stagnated your progress and discover everything you need to Live the Life of your Dreams?
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